How do I reset my password?
You need to change your password, whether it's expiring soon, expired, or your simply don't remember what it was.
The Password Reset Portal is the singular location for your Password needs.
Resolution - I Know My Password
If you know your password, you can simply use the "Change Password" option on the Password Reset Portal.
Simply enter in your current, non-expired credentials, and it will prompt you to create your new password. Once you have successfully changed your password, it will give you another 180 days before it will expire.
Do note that after changing your password, it can take upwards of five (5) minutes to sync across all SCC Services. It is highly recommended you wait the entire five minutes before attempting to use it to avoid gaining strikes and potentially locking your account for 30 minutes.
Resolution - I Don't Know My Password / Password Expired
If you do not remember your password, or if it has expired, you will need to use the "Forgot Password" option on the Password Reset Portal.
You will enter your username, and an email will be sent to the personal email address you used on your SCC application with a PIN code.
DO NOT NAVIGATE AWAY FROM THE PASSWORD RESET PORTAL PAGE. Navigating away from it will invalidate the PIN Code sent to you, and will require you to start the process over again. Use a new tab, browser window, or other device to retrieve the PIN Code.
Once you have entered in the PIN Code and successfully authenticated, you will be allowed to create a new password. Follow the on-screen instructions and you will successfully set a new password.
Do note that after changing your password, it can take upwards of five (5) minutes to sync across all SCC Services. It is highly recommended you wait the entire five minutes before attempting to use it to avoid gaining strikes and potentially locking your account for 30 minutes..
If you have further issues, please create a Help Desk Ticket.